Peer Tutoring (a silver lining to remote instruction)
With our shift to remote instruction, a real silver lining has been a change in the way we can offer peer tutoring. I have recruited undergraduates to be peer tutors on the instructional team for years. They help with some administrative tasks, help to run exam viewing sessions, and offer peer tutoring. The peer tutoring was never really practical face-to-face. They didn't have a space to offer it. It was awkward.
Enter Zoom and remote instruction - ta dah! - now they have a space to meet and everyone is OK with remote meetings.
Canvas Calendar completes the silver lining, providing an easy way for peer tutors to offer 1-on-1 tutoring appointments and for students to sign up for them.
The nuts and bolts:
Canvas Calendar has an appointment group option. Choose the time frame and choose the appointment length and Canvas will make appointments available to students to sign up.
Students then use the Find Appointments link on the calendar and select their tutoring time.