Peer Tutoring (a silver lining to remote instruction)

With our shift to remote instruction, a real silver lining has been a change in the way we can offer peer tutoring. I have recruited undergraduates to be peer tutors on the instructional team for years. They help with some administrative tasks, help to run exam viewing sessions, and offer peer tutoring. The peer tutoring was never really practical face-to-face. They didn't have a space to offer it. It was awkward.
Enter Zoom and remote instruction - ta dah! - now they have a space to meet and everyone is OK with remote meetings.

Giving extra credit in Canvas

Extra credit refers to points that are not required. They benefit the students who complete them but do not hurt the students who do not complete them. There are a number of ways of adding extra credit to student grades in Canvas.

Option 1. Extra credit on existing assignments.
This is a very easy way to grant extra credit. If an assignment is worth 10 points and you want to give an extra credit point, you can simply enter 11 points for the students who earned the extra credit.