Piazza a useful tool for advanced stats class
Just received some feedback from a lecturer enjoying watching her students use Piazza in an advanced stats class. I do not use this tool in lower-division classes as students perhaps don't have the content knowledge that they need in order to guide each other to answers.
"I just wanted to tell you how nicely Piazza is working. My students have a problem set due tonight, and a student submitted a question on Piazza. The students are helping each other so nicely - they’re not asking each other for answers (or giving each other full answers). Instead, they’re helping each other think through how to solve the problems. I was so excited to actually sit here and see it happen that I just had to tell you. Thank you, again, for recommending this incredible tool! It’s exactly what I was hoping to find for this class. Thank you for helping us to be better teachers. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!"